Sunday, August 27, 2006

Back in the Fall of 1968, I began working for Ed and Fran Webb at their studio, Webb Recording Company, 812 N. Dearborn, in Chicago. I loved working for and with Fran, and she became a mother-figure to Phil and me, as well as "Gramma Fran" to each of our three daughters.

Fran was the personification of loving kindness, and demonstrated the love of God on a daily basis to everyone with whom she came in contact. She was gracious, sophisticated, and yet very humble and warm. Fran loved with unconditional love, and each life she touched was made better and more special.

I loved her red hat, and always took every opportunity to capture a picture of her when she wore it. This time, I guess Phil captured the picture, since I'm in it with this beloved lady who cared so deeply for me, my husband, and my children.

You were God's gift to us, Francoise..........and I'm not certain you ever knew the profound effect you had upon me in particular. The lovingkindness you bestowed upon me and mine made our lives beautiful. How can we ever thank you?

I love you, Francoise........Myrni (as you loved to call me)
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1 comment:

Searching said...

Hello Ms. White,

I'd like to ask Ed Webb about his father (for the purposes of some research involving Chicago radio of the '30s and '40s) .
I've found nothing to indicate he isn't still with us, and the internet provides an address for him, as well as one for Fran Webb's son in Ohio -- presumably he might be written for advice -- or possibly I might email the Pacific Garden Mission of Chicago where, I've read, the Webbs were longtime volunteers. I just came across your fond remembrance of Fran, though, and thought I'd ask you first to see what you might know about Mr. Webb's situation these days. Hope you'll find it convenient to reply and of course I'll be grateful for whatever you may be able to tell me.
Richard Cohen